An Independent Report on the NVOZ
In response to the concerns of the citizens of Heber Valley about the NVOZ, Friends of Heber Valley (FOHV) has hired Bruce Parker, AICP, a Principal at Planning and Development Services, LLC of Salt Lake City (
Mr Parker presented us with his findings in a report, which you can read using the link below.
You will note that Mr. Parker has concerns about the North Village Overlay Zone. As he states in the summary:
The NVOZ employs the Equivalent Residential Unit (“ERU”) concept to establish use intensity standards. The NVOZ defines and calculates ERUs very differently from the already established standards of Heber City. The NVOZ provides ERU values for various uses identical to the ERU values set by Wasatch County. However, significant differences exist because of how the NVOZ defines and classifies uses and the total exemption provided for commercial activities. The NVOZ will create a larger population and commercial square footages than allowed by the County’s plan. The NVOZ provides ERU standards that depart significantly from the standards established by Heber City and accepted engineering practice. This Report also argues that the development incentives offered by the NVOZ will negatively impact the City’s vision for its downtown. Additionally, if the properties on the western side of Highway 40 are not preserved, including the North-West and South-West corners of River Road and Highway 40, a development precedent is established. That precedent will ignite “southern end valley” type sprawl and undermine the Heber City Envision 2050, General Plan. (Italics and emphasis added).
In light of the unexpected changes to the NVOZ proposed by Mr. Johnston at the February 2, 2021 City Council meeting, Friends of Heber Valley feels that what the public was previously told comprised the NVOZ has been significantly upended. Please read Mr. Parker's full report for complete information. (We note that Mr. Parker mistook the "V" in NVOZ for "Valley" instead of "Village," and this will be corrected). Also, Mr. Parker recognizes that the NVOZ code includes a density value identical to the County's that is not in its ERU chart and appears that it will be used in a different way.
Click here to download a copy of the report and what was found.